We want you to be able to experience the joy of trusting Jesus in all areas of our life, which includes our finances.
Tithing isn’t just about money. It’s a reflection of where our heart is in relation to God. We give in response to Jesus. We give because God owns it all, and we are putting him first in our lives above all other things.

This step you’re taking is a step of faith and we are excited to see God move in amazing ways.
We also want to come alongside you with encouragement and inspiring stories throughout your journey.

What is the 90-day Tithe Challenge?

It is a commitment to bring back to God your tithe, your first 10% for 90 days.

At the end of 90 days, if you don’t feel like God is caring for you and nurturing you in your journey of faith, then we commit to giving back every penny you’ve given to Coastal during the 90 days, no questions asked.

We know that God is faithful to his word and his promises and you are going to experience him in a new and fresh way. We can’t wait to see how God moves in your life as you take this step.

Other Ways To Give

Text To Give

Text “GIVE” to 954-719-0185
You’ll be asked to register if it’s your first time. Don’t forget to save our giving number in your phone! You can always text EDIT to update your info, set up recurring and check the status of a gift.

Give By Cash or Check

To give by cash or check simply drop your envelope at one of the offering kiosks during a weekend service.

You can also mail in your gift to 
6800 N University Dr, Parkland, FL 33067

Thank you for using the Coastal Community Church online giving options to join us in our mission of making it hard for people to go to hell by making it easy for them to go to church, so they can experience, know, and follow Jesus!